Saturday, July 21, 2007


I have been recently fired from my job. It was completely illegal, because I was just asking for compensation for past overtime hours and refused to work overtime hours that I wasn't compensated for. I was fired over this. Interestingly the lawyers feel the same way. The discussion is not the validity of a cash settlement, but how much that it will be. One lawyer described their behavior as "egregious." I just want the entire process expedited so I can move on with my life. Fortunately they have everything they could need from me, so it is all in their hands now. My family is VERY supportive in this situation, my mother even suggested talking to my father over the phone about it. My mother hates my father. Thane and Nikki have also been very supportive and very cool during this situation. Unfortunately, prior to my firing the tension over this subject was palpable and bled over into what should have been a spectacular weekend at Pitchfork.
On a different note, I have started a letter correspondence with an old friend. I have never considered a pen pal situation, but because I know I can be completely candid with her, and her suggesting it, I decided to pursue it. Writing someone you can be completely honest with is very cathartic. It is like a diary that gives you feedback. This particular friend is probably one of the most level headed and empathetic people I know.

What started out as an attraction to a girl I met is turning into a platonic friendship. Which is fine. She is sweet, smart, gregarious and beautiful person. I am too old to be dating anymore baristas, and I honestly don't think she was interested anyway, or if she was something turned her off. Maybe I wasn't assertive enough. She may actually read this, she probably knows who she is.

Israel/Palestine/Lebanon has become the focal point of my life. It is all I read about and all I think about. It feels good to have this direction again. A series of relationships that went sour seem to have driven me off course, but the fault is completely my own. I have a new hero, someone I was aware of but never heard speak before. He is a complete condescending prick but only rightfully so to assholes.
Norman Finkelstein is the man.